Having your home invaded is difficult and unpleasant, but it can happen to anyone. Knowing what to do helps take some of the stress out of the situation. Follow these steps from insurance companies in Calgary if you experience a break-in.

Home Insurance Tips On How To Handle A Break-IN

  1. Do Not Confront the Burglar
    If you arrive home to discover it was broken into, don’t go inside. The burglar might still be there or you could disrupt criminal evidence. Call the police immediately and wait for them to determine the scene is safe. If you’re at home when the break-in happens, find a safe location immediately, preferably one that’s outside the house. Contact the police immediately, and don’t try to confront the burglar.
  2. File a Police Report
    After the police arrive and secure the scene, it’s time to begin the police report. Determine what items were stolen and the extent of the damage. Provide the police with any information you have about the event, such as footage from an alarm system. Insurance companies in Calgary often use this information when they process claims.
  3. Contact Your Insurance Company in Calgary
    Notify your home insurance company within 24 hours of a break-in to start a claim. They can help you recover the value of the stolen items. Give the insurance company all the information they need to complete the claim.
  4. Clean Up After the Break-In
    Once the police file their report and the Calgary home insurance claim is in process, it’s time to clean up the damage. Put away any items that were strewn about, remove markings from walls, secure broken windows or doors, and do everything you can to get your home back to normal.

Use these steps after a break-in to initiate a home insurance claim and return order to your home as quickly as possible.

Lakeview Insurance Brokers Ltd. has been a highly dedicated member of the Independent Brokers Association of Albert and has been family-run since 1979. Our brokers take the time to ensure you get the best policy that suits your needs. Contact us today to get started at 403-287-2521 or send an email to [email protected].