Insurance is vital to safeguard your small business from potential risks. Plus, understanding insurance policies and finding the right coverage can be a complex task for busy entrepreneurs! That’s where insurance brokers step in to assist. Insurance brokers are experts who specialize in assessing the needs of small businesses and connecting them with tailored coverage options. In this blog, we will explore five key ways insurance brokers in Calgary and other areas can empower small business owners, providing them with the knowledge, expertise, and personalized guidance necessary to make informed decisions to effectively protect their ventures.

calgary insurance brokers

Assessing Insurance Needs

One of the primary benefits of working with an insurance broker is their expertise in assessing your unique insurance requirements. They take the time to understand your business operations, potential risks, and industry-specific factors that may impact your insurance needs. By conducting a comprehensive analysis, insurance brokers in Calgary can recommend appropriate coverage types and limits to ensure your business is adequately protected from potential liabilities.

Customizing Insurance Solutions

One of the significant advantages of working with insurance brokers is their ability to customize insurance solutions. By leveraging their extensive knowledge of coverage options, brokers can identify the most suitable policies for your business. Whether you need general liability insurance or specialized coverage for your industry, they can tailor packages to addresses your specific risks and provide the necessary financial security.

Navigating the Insurance Market

The insurance market can be complex and ever-changing, making it difficult for small business owners to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and policies. Insurance brokers in Calgary have in-depth knowledge of the insurance landscape and can navigate the market on your behalf. They have established relationships with multiple carriers and can leverage connections to find competitive pricing and coverage options that may not be readily available. This expertise and market access enable brokers to secure comprehensive coverage at the most favourable rates.

Assisting with Claims Management

In the unfortunate event of a claim, insurance brokers act as your advocate and guide you through the claims process. They thoroughly understand policy terms and conditions, ensuring that you receive fair and timely claim settlements. Brokers also work closely with insurance companies, providing the necessary documentation and supporting your case to facilitate a smooth claims experience. This support can significantly reduce the stress and burden on small business owners during challenging times.

Ongoing Policy Review and Risk Management

Your organizational needs evolve as your business grows and changes. Insurance brokers offer ongoing policy review and risk management services to ensure that your coverage remains up-to-date and aligned with your changing needs. They proactively monitor the insurance market, industry trends, and regulatory changes that may impact your business. By conducting regular reviews and risk assessments, brokers can also identify any gaps in coverage and recommend necessary adjustments to protect your business effectively.


As a small business owner, partnering with an insurance broker can be a game-changer. Their expertise, knowledge, and personalized approach can help you navigate the industry’s complexities, save time and money, and provide invaluable peace of mind. Additionally, they are dedicated to ensuring your business is protected from potential risks. From assessing your needs and customizing solutions to assisting with claims management, and offering ongoing policy reviews. So don’t overlook the value brokers bring—seek their guidance and expertise to safeguard your small business’s success. Remember, your business deserves the best protection, and these professionals are there to make that happen. To conclude, contact a reputable insurance broker in Calgary today to take proactive steps to safeguard your business’s future!

Lakeview Insurance Brokers Ltd. has been a highly dedicated member of the Independent Brokers Association of Albert and has been family-run since 1979. Our brokers take the time to ensure you get the best policy that suits your needs. Contact us today to get started at 403-287-2521 or send an email to [email protected].

There are various forms of insurance that you can get. When it comes to your home, you can easily find insurance brokers in Calgary that can provide home insurance. However, did you know that you can also get condo insurance?

If you’re a condo owner, it might be in your best interest to consider looking into condo insurance and see if the cost of coverage is worth your dime! 

Encapsulating the Cost of Condo Insurance in Calgary

What is Condo Insurance?

So what exactly is condo insurance? And what does it cover? Condo insurance is mainly regulated to coverage in your unit. These include the possessions in your unit, storage locker, and any possible personal liability claims in case someone is injured at your place.

Here is additional coverage that condo insurance provides in the case of any loss or damage to the following:

  • Personal belongings
  • The inside of your condo unit
  • Possible theft
  • Unit renovations from you or previous owners
  • Common spaces (i.e. hallways & elevators) resulting from an accident within your unit
  • Additional living expenses 
Worried Woman Holding Bucket While Water Droplets Leak From Ceiling in Living Room.

Why Get Condo Insurance?

Many might wonder why condo insurance is even necessary. After all, the whole point of you owning a unit is that the condo fees can handle what needs to be covered. However, a condo corporation’s building insurance policy can vary in what is covered for the building and individual unit owners. 

When it comes to a condo corporation, they ensure the building’s insurance coverage through the condo fees that you pay monthly. Yet, the thing about condo fees is that it’s regulated to only the building – not your unit. The condo fees you pay go towards the building’s upkeep through snow removal, utilities, lawn care, parking garages, and repairs to the building’s common spaces.

In essence, a condo building’s insurance policy doesn’t fully cover damages and losses for individual unit owners, but more so for communal coverage that extends to the building’s common areas. But with condo insurance, you can rest assured that if anything were to occur in your unit, it would be covered. You won’t risk assuming your building’s insurance will cover anything and be surprised by unexpected expenses. 

That’s why it’s important to review a condo building’s insurance policy when comparing condo insurance coverage and whether you’re considering moving into a condo.  

What’s the Cost of Condo Insurance?

Currently, in Calgary, condo corporations have higher insurance policy rates, resulting in increased condo fees for unit owners. As a result, condo insurance rates have been steadily climbing since 2021. The reason is from recently damaging hailstorms. The June 2020 hailstorm in Calgary saw a whopping $1.2B in insurance claims. 

Despite the increase in condo fees, condo insurance has remained relatively steady in rates. In Calgary, you can expect the average cost of condo insurance to be between $30-$50 per month or $400 to $600 annually. The prices will vary depending on the location, building age, and risks. Compared to home insurance in Calgary, paying for condo insurance is more affordable. 

Lakeview Insurance Brokers Ltd. has been a highly dedicated member of the Independent Brokers Association of Albert and has been family-run since 1979. Our brokers take the time to ensure you get the best policy that suits your needs. Contact us today to get started at 403-287-2521 or send an email to [email protected].

A common sight living in a metropolis like Calgary are busy cars, going here and there to connect to communities across the city. With that being said, more cars ultimately mean a higher demand for car insurance. In which case, it’s imperative to seek out affordable car insurance rates that can provide you with the best coverage. 

However, some factors can affect your car’s insurance rate. By keeping in mind what can affect your car’s insurance rate, you can effectively strategize ways to lower your rates and avoid unnecessary issues down the line. 

Type of Vehicle

Did you know the type of vehicle you choose can dictate car insurance rates? The reason is to determine what vehicles are susceptible to more claims and their cost. The Canadian Loss Experience Automobile Rating (CLEAR) is a system that insurers use to help determine rates by factoring in claims data, your car’s model, and its year. 

This system can see the likelihood that your car is a target for theft based on where you live. As a result, the cost of repairs will be higher after it’s been in a collision. 

In addition, any cars with higher quality safety equipment can contribute positively to lowering your car insurance rates. By opting for a safer car, you’re not only helping yourself but your wallet as well. 

In which case, it’s wise to think twice about what car you might want to purchase in the future. 

Driving History

The literal driving force behind what can affect your car insurance rate is your driving history. The more issues found within your driving history, the more you will likely have to pay for car insurance. 

Beyond collisions and claims, other factors can impede your car insurance rate in drastic ways.

Here are just a few of what can impact your rate:

  • High speeding ticket
  • Careless driving 
  • Distracted driving from either texting or talking on the phone.
  • Not following traffic laws such as: stopping during a red light, not obeying school crosswalks and stop signs, as well as not wearing a seatbelt. 
  • Not remaining on the scene of a traffic collision.

Driving Experience 

One key factor insurers look out for is how long a driver has been on the road. If you’re a new driver, there is a high likelihood that your insurance rate will be higher.

Why is that?

An inexperienced driver can easily get into accidents from an insurer’s standpoint. Therefore, heightening the possibility to file for claims. If you’re a new driver, the best you can do is to avoid all accidents and claims for a couple of years, and then you will be in the clear for less expensive insurance rates. 

Lakeview Insurance Brokers Ltd. has been a highly dedicated member of the Independent Brokers Association of Albert and has been family-run since 1979. Our brokers take the time to ensure you get the best policy that suits your needs. Contact us today to get started at 403-287-2521 or send an email to [email protected].